Hypatia Catalog Database

Explore stellar abundance data for 13,347 stars, 1,772 of which host planets and 2,370 of which are in multistar systems, 102 elements and species, 345 catalogs, and 437,062 abundance measurements.

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The Hypatia Catalog is a multidimensional, amalgamate dataset comprised of stellar elemental abundance measurements for FGKM-type stars within 500 pc of the Sun and all exoplanet host stars regardless of distance. All stellar abundances have been carefully selected from literature sources that measured [Fe/H] and at least one other element. The Hypatia Catalog Database features an interactive table and multiple plotting interfaces that allow easy access and exploration of data within the Hypatia Catalog. In addition, stellar properties and planetary properties, where applicable, have been made available. Data can be downloaded either through the website or through the terminal via our API for use in external plotting routines and data analysis.

Help and documentation about the plots, tables, and advanced controls within the Hypatia Catalog Database can be found on the Help page in the top right corner. More detailed information about the data, properties, individual literature sources, and decisions within the Hypatia Catalog are featured on the About page. Thank yous and acknowledgments to be included in published papers can be found under Acknowledgements. Finally, for any website or data updates, issues, or corrections, please email hypatiacatalog@gmail.com.

A detailed description of the Hypatia Catalog can be found in Hinkel et al. (2014). The Hypatia Catalog and Hypatia Catalog Database will continue to be routinely updated in order to incorporate the most recent stellar abundance data published within the literature.

Histogram of the element abundances in the Hypatia Catalog and the number of stars for which each element has been measured.

Number of stars for which each element abundance has been measured as of June 2022. Every star in the Hypatia Catalog has at least [Fe/H] and one other element.